Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Race For The Cure

The alarm clock goes off at 5:00 a.m. and I am already up and ready to go to the Race, so I go to wake Wes up and I get "..can I have 5 more minutes..." you all know I'm not patient so of course I said no and made him get up. I wore my pink ribbon and lots of cute pink eyeshadow and with much debate we were on the way to Fremont Street. When we arrived we had to get on a Charter Bus that took us about 2 miles to downtown and we walked the rest of the way. There was sooo many people around 20,000 by the end I believe.

The start of the race was fun, Wes hasn't ever been to one so he was of course mocking the racers who wear spandex and warm up for thirty minutes and actually compete at a charity run, but I was SOO ready to race, this wasn't my first run!!

When the race started I almost got knocked down and Wes got scratched but it was okay because we did pretty good. Wes was getting a little tired at the end, I didn't think someone could sweat as much as that he he, his additude was that he could RUN the whole thing without practicing and now that it is over he kept up with me but he is hurting...Been sore for days. Over all it was an AWESOME race and we had a blast. We were also on Team Gohres but the only people who showed up were Marc, Me & Wes!! Were hard core!

Race For The Cure 2008~ Marc, Meghan, Wes

Meghan Finish Time: 29:34 With an Average of 9:30 a mile (748th out of 15,345 runners)
Wes Finish: 29:34 with an Average of 9:30 a mile (749th out of 15,345 runners)

1 comment:

Megan said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!