Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Old Friends

Late Thursday I had a text message on my phone from none other than my Best friend in Logan, Josh. He said one sentence..."I'm coming to Nevada". I was excited because he was coming down to Mesquite with his beautiful girlfriend Amanda, so on Monday night he calls me and tells me he is coming down to Vegas to visit. When they knocked on the door Wes was watching the New Orleans/Spurs game...okay he was screaming at the game because he hates the Spurs so much. We had a fun little visit, and then we went to get Ice Cream at Denny's. While we were there they started to tell us how they have been shunned a by a lot of people in Logan because they are not married and having a baby. I was appalled, I couldn't say I wasn't surprised because for as non judgemental as all the Utah/Idaho population claims to be...they are probably the most judgemental people I have ever met. I know they are going to be GREAT parents, they are both strong and full of life, they want to succeed which is why Wes and I know they will succeed. I loved seeing them and wanted to be selfish and have them stay longer. Hopefully though we will get to start seeing more of each other and the newest chick magnet..Baby Nilson :)

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