Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New York Day 2.. SHOPPING

9:00 a.m. EST I wake Wes up and we leave for NYC....NYC Shopping. We stopped on none other than the famous 5th Avenue at H&M... I ended up spending alot of money here but everything I got was cute.. Wes was so cute he held all my clothes and only complained twice. Once we left there we headed through Bryant park down to 7th Ave where we stopped at the one and only 10 story MACY'S.. Wes took of to his floor and I went my way, we both ended up getting a few things then we went to "The Cellar" for lunch. Once I was refuled it was shop shop shop shop shop. We also stopped at some stores I knew Wes wanted to, like Modell's. (Sports Store) He ended up buying a Yankee Jersey and when he tried it on I never knew it would cause such a riot later... What I mean... We were done shopping and replenshing the economy (he he) when the sun started to shine in our eyes and Wes says.."I think I lost my sunglasses..." OMG are you serious lol.. So we searched for them in all of our bags, nothing, so he thought maybe he left them in Modells. So we walked back to the store and he asked the clerks if they had seen any sunglasses and they said no. So he was getting depressed until this really metro guy said.. "Oh...like oakleys? I saw them over there somewhere... SO Wes was jazzed but still couldn't find them. So with defeat we started to walk out, when something clicked in my mind.. Maybe someone put them back on the sunglasses rack without realizing they were oakleys.. Sure enough there they were. He was happy. We took a cab home to end out adventure in New York.. That was a life changin experience. I am already really jumpy but that made me almost scream and cry. SOOO Scary So I can now say ..."I Survived a yellow taxi ride"... That was the most of our adventure in NYC, the next day we relaxed, read the NY Post, grabbed Pizza and watched the Yankees game at the Condo before we left. The ride home was long and I am still tired... Would I do it again.... UM HELL YEAH!! xo Meg

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