Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New York City Day 1

Well, I did it. I finally went to New York City, after years and years I finally went. Thanks to Wes I had a place to stay and a Yankee ticket :) (It is there final season you know). I was able to get an earlier flight thanks to my mom :) (She loves me) and safely touched down in New Jersey at 10:14, then proceeded to stay on the Tarmack for 20 minutes :( ! After I landed I called Wes and he said "If you time it just right I can pick you up out side".. I was so bummed, I thought he would actually come and get me...I started getting testy with him on the phone telling him "how romantic he is..." then I turned around and there he was... Why do I doubt? The next morning we got up early to get to the ferry. It was my very first ferry ride and I was so excited. We rode on the top and even though I had cried after seeing the city the night before.. I started to cry again. I couldn't help it. After we got off the ferry we made our way to the Bronx. When I came out of the yucky subway and saw the light I was soooo overwhelmed, there it was, Yankee Stadium, The House that Ruth built. WOW! When we got inside we went down to out seats to watch batting practice, I saw A-Rod right off the bat and just started crying, I couldn't help it OMG he was 15 feet away. I've never been start struck but man...He is awesome. We grabbed some pizza right before the game and it began, My First Yankees Game.!. In the bottom of the first a group of ladies came to the game and were sitting right behind us, Wes wasn't too thrilled all they did was talk talk talk talk talk. He was so mad, plus they had Jersey accents, so it was a little annoying, but I was fine with it. The first Home Run of the day was hit by jason Giambi and the second Bobby Abreu. We ended up winning 12 to 4! :) We headed to Stans bar where Michael Cannon told Wes to take me, I had water. ;-) I know I did Michael proud :) HEHE! We also got to see Freddy, he is a legend almost like the Yankees themselves. http://www.freddysez.com/ If you want to know more about him. After the game we headed to Rockafeller Center where they had all the special Memorial Day flags out. It was truly special, we went into the NBC store and there was a huge NBC Jelly Bean Sign it was cool lol. After we went home, I asked Wes if he was ready for me to go shopping tomorrow and he nodded yes...but boy he didn't know it would be this bad..**insert evil laugh**

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