Monday, June 30, 2008

**Truck Show**

Three years and going strong. I can't believe this is my 3rd truck show. It is the funnest summer tradition. This year they had credit card type badges. We started at the far side picking up free stuff as we went along. There was a group of gas stations from McAllister, Oklahoma. So Andy talked to them for awhile and got a HUGE free mug.

After that we ended up going around on the hunt for free stuff. Annie got a flashlight from a "secret" stash and Wes won a CB (?) radio in the card game. When Wes and I went to the peterbilt trucks they had cute little doggie pins that you can put on your badges. Wes tried to put his on and broke it... the tard tried to put it through the credit card ha! Love him though.

After we went to the truck show part of it where you can see the trucks Annie said her phrase she says EVER year without fail when we see a truck with a big grill. She says "Thats a mean looking truck, lol. We also got to see the Marvel Truck, they repaint it ever year and Wes and I get a pic with it.

Showing love to the feet!!!

So Annie and I (after I was an hour late) went to get our feet pampered. This was Annie's FIRST time at a nail salon. She usually gets her feet done in Alamo but its not like a Vegas pedi! So we got there and it was by Stoneys (a western bar) which she loved of course. It was called Lucky Nails. Annie didn't know what to do so I told her she had to pick a color (a huge wall of nail polish) she was like..."Oh, Oh my". :-) When that was done she turned on the vibrating chair and put her feet into the warm water. We got the works, a massage, peppermint masque, salt scrub and the wax treatment.
Now if you have never got a wax treatment you are missing out. You dip your feet into a paraffin wax about 5 times and then put plastic bags on them. Its feels so weird but the results are awesome. I am so glad that I had her to go with, she is so much fun in girl things now. I've made her a girly girl and I don't care what Andy says he's thinking....DAMNNNNN Annie is hot ;)

Nilson Brothers

How excited was I for Thursday night.... Well since I kept looking at the clock at work and Nikki was telling me I was a spaz, I think alot. My friends from Logan were down, my best friend Josh who just had a baby (Tristan Joshua-Ray) and his brother Dave who I haven't seen for almost THREE years. I couldn't believe I was going to get to see them again. I was very excited.

Wes and I picked them up and we headed over to Conney Island to hang out and play some games. Dave ended up winning this jump rope game and turned 25 cents into a toy car which climbed the walls. Wes and Josh battled it out in Basketball where Josh ALMOST won, almost. Then when it was my turn I smoked him. No re-match either, I wanted to be the winner. :-)We then ventured to In & Out where the grease was in the air... literally! Still good though. It was so fun and I get to see them again next weekend. Wake boarding baby!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

L@@K at the house!!!

I had to run by a job site today and I decided since I was already out in the area of our new house I would stop and see how it was coming along. The house's 1st story is framed and the second story trusses are being put on. All of the other houses by us are being built to so there won't be much construction when we move in, that is a plus. So I am excited and I'm looking at Pottery Barn right now :)!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Wes Cooking :-)

I almost forgot to BLOG this. Wes my Wes the Wes we all know doesn't like to cook, actually did a great job and the cookies were edible.

So on Thursday I asked him to bake some homemade oreo's with me...I think because I was having a bad day he agreed (silly him) and we started the task of cookie and making a mess...(which drives him crazy)

When you mix the batter you have to mix it with your hands, but Wes wasn't having that so he ended up using a spoon and somehow he got powdered sugar on his face.. I didn't tell him, I thought it was cute.

Over all the cookies were good and I can't wait to make them for all of you guys! :-) Love you!

For Mom!!! **Muah**

Hi Mom!!! I thought I would tell you that when we were in Dave & Busters I found....Wack-A-Mole :) Remember that game? I Played it for you and I said our special phrase ;-) while playing.. Wes laughed and took these for you!! I ended up getting Bob a sweater with the tickets I won from it ;0) hehe Yep I'm a crazy person. LOVE YOU!

**MiNi VaCaY***

So Wes and I packed it up on Friday to get away from Las Vegas for the weekend. We know, we know we just got back from New York, but we wanted to be spontaneous. We arrived at the swankiest hotel in Laguna Hills...Courtyard @ The Marriott (okay not that swanky but we liked it). We ate some dinner and just relaxed because tomorrow was going to be crazy.

Saturday Came and guess what... IT WAS JUNE 7Th! Don't ask me why I like that day I don't want to explain. We headed down to Laguna Beach, it was so beautiful. When we got to the beach we of course had to rent body boards (Wes is addicted)...The water was chilly and the waves were high, I think I lost my swimming suit a few times to. He He! At lunch time Wes volunteered to get it... It took him 1 1/2 to find something to eat ha ha then when he got the food to me it was Pizza that he held in a bag so the cheese was all on one side.. I love him! There was also a lot of wedding's... So many people getting there photo's taken. It was romantic lol. Then Wes decided to "Baywatch" it and started slowly running down the beach he he. We also saw a pack of Dolphins. After we left the beach :( we went to Irvine Spectrum which I LOVE!! We had dinner at Yardhouse then headed to Dave & Busters where we played the night away on arcade games. There was so many drunken skeeball players lol. I also won a Yankee Bear out of the claw machine.. ON MY 1st TRY! I rock... I think I got that from My Grandpa Arthur.

The next day before we came home we went to FOX sports grill and watched the Yankees Game :) Go figure huh?