Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Monday, December 22, 2008

What happens.

Can anyone tell me what happens when Wes takes my nice clean, organized wrapping station and uses it? Well... Here is my ribbon before...

and....after!!! Oh boy!

Our first Christmas in the new house!!!!

This is really exciting, Wes and I wake up each morning to our Christmas tree glowing and presents under the tree. We are so lucky to have each other! :-)

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I'm just the happiest girl in the whole world. Did you know that is snowed againnnn OH YAY! My work shut down early so I went home to play in the snow, I LOVE it.. Then Wes brought me hot chocolate and a Christmas cookie.. It was the best, the Christmas season is awesome this year. Oh did I mention I don't really have colt weather gear?? He He

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow Snow Snow :-)

Marc got a lot more snow than we did but we have a fair share.. It has even stuck... I think that's a record lol. Thank you Ar tic Storm...

Our Tree

I've been a wrapping MANIAC.. I can't believe how much I have wrapped already.. :-) Its my favorite part though.

Here is our tree with some presents underneath it.

This is my FAVORITE decoration... It took me 2 hours to string the balls and hang them.

Here is what I did with the table. I like it, its simple but cute.

Gingerbread House

Wes has never made a Gingerbread house, so this was the year that ended. We picked out a shiny red box at Target, took it home and began. Wes did exactly what I thought he would... thinking he knew it all ;-)! We started with the walls, which was easy. The roof was a little tricky but we managed. He loved decorating, we each got a side of the roof to decorate. I should of know it would be a colts house. He is so predictable. At least it turned out great..

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Indianapolis was Wes choice for vacation this year... We all know why. We arrived in Indy at 10:00 and Carolyn picked us up (she is from our MyColts.Net site) she drove us to our hotel downtown, The Cantebury. We checked in and went for midnight snacks at Steak and Shake across the street. Thursday morning well afternoon with the time difference Wes was jumping up and down because we walked to Lucas Oil Stadium, home of the Colts. He was grinning from ear to ear and couldn't believe his eyes. He had made it, he had fulfilled his dream of being in Indianapolis.
We went inside the Pro Shop, which was two stories high, his face was priceless. So was his shopping trip lol, he got everything he could possibly find, he held nothing back :-)! While we checked out, Jenny our cashier asked if we had gone on the tour yesterday. He sadly said no, then she left for a second, came back and told us to follow her. She took Wes inside the Lucas Oil Stadium, he almost passed out, he got to see it, home of Peyton Manning. She was a sweetheart.

Friday we went to the Children's Museum. They had a comic book section, Wes was still very excited, he kept telling me "I had that toy, that comic book...Oh Oh and this" He was such a little kid, but I had fun too, we went into the animation station and made a movie together lol. I saw some Incredible's stuff, then a Cape and I went all Etna on that cape and started saying "NO CAPES ;-) dad" We also did some shopping at the Circle Center Mall and then ate dinner at CHAMMPPS. They had Blue Friday going on, so we had free raffle tickets, but didn't win anything. We even stole tickets when someone left there table, but still no luck.

Saturday we went Monument Circle (Which is the middle of town). We didn't know at the time this was a Civil War area and they had a free Museum downstairs. Wes loved it, he was in heaven, he kept giving me history lessons :-)! We also went to the top of Monument Square which is 15 feet lower than the Statue of Liberty. When you got up the tower it was small and bigger bigger people wouldn't be able to make it around, but it was fun.
We went to Blue Crew (famousssss) Bar, which is another county over, but Carolyn drove us to the Bar and Chaz drove us back. When we got there, everyone from our site family greeted us, bought us dinner and drinks. Then it started to snow so Wes, Carolyn and I went outside to take some pictures in the Winter Wonderland :-). We met the owner and he let us go behind the bar, we got the full service treatment.

SUNDAY was game day... Wes was awake at 7 (EST) and he was pumped... He kept staring at me... We walked to the Stadium at 10:30 and had to wait 30 minutes before the stadium opened... We bought toys for the Toy drive :-) Which was awesome, It felt good to help out. We were the 1st ones through the door, no joke. THE 1st ones... :-) Wes was so happy and it almost made me cry, we went to the opposite end zone from where we were sitting because Peyton Manning was practicing with Marvin and Reggie. Wes was so happy, I wish you all could of been there. It was a rush to see everything. When we took our seats and the game started Wes and I became hoarse with all the screaming, we were wooing and yelling D- Fence all day. They blew out the Bengals 35-3 :-)

Overall this was a fun vacation, and a great break from Reality. Wes can't wait to tell everyone his side..

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ho Ho Ho

We put up the first decoration last night, our tree. It was fun and we decided after Christmas were going to need a bigger tree :-) We didn't realize how big our house really was. I also got Bob something special, I know I"m crazy but since I can't have a real dog, I'll just humiliate my fake one lol.. Merry Christmas

Christmas @ Town Center

We went to Town Center last night, it was a date you know. We grabbed some hot chocolate from Seattle's Best Coffee and walked around to the little Christmas Villages and statues in the center before we stopped at the HUGE lighted Christmas Tree. I had a surprise up my sleeve for Wes. At 7:00 o'clock it starts to snow, well not really snow but its as close as us desert people get. It was a foam snow, romantic none the less. It was a good kick start to the holiday season.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Quick Trip to 51!!

Wes co-worker and a dear friend of ours decided they wanted to go to Rachel, Nevada (a.k.a Area 51). I lived there when I was little and didn't realize how small of a town it was. We drove with his sister from Canada and she was having so much fun saying that the Aliens were out to get us if we were not in a group. We had a questionable lunch at the Alien, (or however they spell it) then Wes played some PacMan with a stuffed Alien looking at him and finally stopped to sign the "Black", now white mailbox. It was fun to see a site I've never seen before, but I'm not lining up for the next one.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Eli's Coming....Eli's Coming...

SO guess what we did this weekend? Okay you won't get it. I'll start with the day:
Sat we wake up at 7:30 to get ready for the bus ride to Arizona. We got to 4 wall with time to spare and visited awhile before getting on the front of the bus (who wants to be by the bathroom). Everyone said I looked like a hippy flower child ;-)..So our bus driver...Dan...oh Dan. We started the journey towards the Hoover Dam, however busses are not allowed over the Dam sooo we turned around and started on the long stretch towards Laughlin. Everyone is laughing, having a great time when I hear something beeping and Dan freaking out a little. He grabs the microphone and tells everyone on the bus we have to pull over. Wes, Larry, Michael, Jen and I look at each other and pile of the bus, just in case. Come to find out, dear old Dan only had one of the three belts on the bus that was needed. So we were stuck, on the side of a long stretch of desert, we started to look for buzzards. 3 hours later we were back on the bus.

3:30 (same day) we stop at a shady little gas station with a Subway for lunch. We all pile out and use the smelly bathrooms...The food looked questionable with the flys and all the workers and there eye piercings. I had a Fuze :-)

7:30 we finally arrived in Tempe at the hotel. Wes ran out to check in first, while I got the bags... That was a bad idea on my part, he packs like a girl.

8:00 The bus left for Chronic Taco on the ASU block. Free Food and the bartender was nice enough to name a drink after me... Everyone had Meghan's all night long :0) hehe!! Larry also bought me some "hippy" shades..haha! Finally after going to a couple of bar/clubs we got a cab back to the hotel. Kathy thought there was a pterodactyl in the trunk...she was a little gone at that point.


We piled on the bus at 10:00 to head to the stadium, what a trip, I think we almost took out a van. Once we arrived there was a slue of Giants fan, which makes me happy. We went around WestCliff shopping center and met up with Michael, Jen and Jim at Hogs and Heffers :-). Once we were in the game, we hiked to the top, and this time I didn't mind. I was at my first NFL game and it was the best. Eli ralled the Giants to become 10-1.. Best record in the league.
So after all my excitement..I'm tired and I'm trying not to sleep at work.