Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fourth of July

First - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! Today was my mom's birthday and I didn't get to spend it with her but I did send some beautiful flowers up to Logan for her. Our 4th didn't involve Alamo this year and I think it was great. We went to the Summerlin Parade which was fun minus the fact they can't throw candy...that was disappointing. Then we went to Egg Works for breakfast followed by some fun at the Mikalishen Pool. We had a huge water fight, girls against boys. I grabbed the water hose and the men eventually raised there white flag. Wes and I thought we would not get to see fireworks but it turns out the big dirt lot we have next to the house was full of people shooting off fireworks. So we got to see a few which was awesome because we didn't leave the house.

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