Monday, October 27, 2008
Ice Cream Truck
Thursday, October 23, 2008
3 Years

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Making Cards
Since Thanksgiving is a forgotten holiday, I had to make my invitations for my family get together. It took about 5 hours but I was able to get them done with Annie's help. :-) I can't wait for my family to get them.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Carving Pumpkins
The day started at Jane's house where we picked pumpkins from an pumpkin patch, it was so awesome, I've never seen a pumpkin patch before. Then the irrigation water was flooding her yard so we drove in the "gator" to the front of the house, which was an adventure.
Dalton has crashed on his 3 wheeler so he wasn't feeling so good, but he toughed it out and carved with Wes. They almost got a tooth this year, but Dalton punched it out lol.
Wes Birthday
Friday, October 17, 2008
Megan Tagged Me
I've been tagged. So here's the deal: Post these rules on your blog. List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!
3 Joys
Wes, My family and all of his family!!
Football Sundays with Wes
3 fears
Leaving without fulfilling my goals
3 goals
To start my boutique
Travel to London
Marry Wes...eventually
3 current obsessions/collections
Taking Pictures
3 facts about me
I love to give make-overs
I know more than the average girl about Peyton Manning lol
Wes completes me...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Joshua and Amanda Nilson
Birthday's are fun!
We were in Logan on Sunday while the Colts played the Ravens (we smashed them by the way). It was snowing and we were wearing our Jersey's, honestly the ONLY people who were wearing Jersey's in Logan, how sad. My family came over for a lunch and some birthday celebrations. My dad's was on the 2nd, Mine the 8th and Wes' on the 15th. So we celebrated together. We got some really nice Colts blue sleeping bags, which will come in handy :-)! My sister gave us some great gifts and my brother and Savannah got us what every couple in Vegas needs ;-)! Wes and I also got to meet our newest addition Gabe Michael Stocks, who we call Mikey...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Happy Birthday to Meghan!
Well here I am, 22, writing my own blog. My birthday came and went faster than Christmas this year but it was a good one. I worked in the morning which wasn't fun but for lunch Marc took me to The Palm inside Caesars Palace. I had Fillet Minion and a Cheesecake with a candle in it. Marc also let me have the rest of the day off so I went to H&M and bought a cute party dress for later in the evening.
I went home and lounged in my pajama's and watch the style network for a couple of hours while I made my own birthday cake. When Wes came home he had a dozen roses and the cutest Colts colored necklace in the whole world. I loved it :-)
At 7:00 we met up with Kendal, Clarity & John at BJ's pizza (my FAVORITE place to eat) as always it was a blast just to have fun people to converse with. I love them. Overall my birthday was a good one, I enjoyed it so much, everyone made it special, as usual. Love you all thank you for the birthday wishes.
Monday, October 6, 2008
We have started to....PAINT
Colts Bar
Friday, October 3, 2008
We checked our mail...
This may be a lame post, but we checked our mail at our very first house for the very first time. Can you believe it, we have a mailbox :).. Thats all
My Devil Car
See this time is wasn't my fault. I was driving through are parking lot when a HUGE Cox Communications (TV & Internet Comp) hit my poor little car, he knicked it but still. The guy was a real jerk about it too, and I had to wait over 45 minutes for his Supervisor to show up and fill out one piece of paper. Anyways, so I recieved a quote to fix it... $1350 WOW! I shouldn't be suprised though, this is normal.