Monday, September 29, 2008


Well it happened, we have a house. Wes Bailey's name accompanies the others somewhere in Las Vegas. Homeowner, CRAZY! We haven't taken many pictures yet because moving stinks and people are get mean lol, here is a couple though. WES getting the keys, that was one was fun look at his cheeks. OH and the first time he got to pull into the garage. You can't forget the first time we opened the door. More to come!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Must be football Season...

Caught Wes buying more Colts action figures, he is so dang cute!

Lookie Lookie we have a housieeee

So Wes and I are SOO excited to share with you the pride an joy of our life's right now lol, our kitchen. I'm going to make Wes add some chic hardware, but for now.. IT is a sight huh! :-) Also.. What did I say about that front door, its beautiful lol. Here are some pictures of the house we can move into next week!!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

I've Still got it..

You can't take me away from dancing and gymnastics. I'll love it forever and at least I can still jump like I used to. Please forgive the toes. The picture is when I was getting close to landing.

Monday, September 8, 2008


We are so close to being done, and slowly starting to get ready to move in. We are so excited and pleased at the way it looks. We went on Saturday, they told us our flooring was in, which meant our tile. When we unlocked the door we couldn't believe our eyes, it was incredible. The tile was laid perfect and the dark grout looked so good ( I get credit for that one ;) Here is a few pictures. We are only about 18 days away from completion.. Oh and yes.. I am measuring with my pink tape measure.

Colts Opening Night

Yes, we know they didn't win. However, we had fun. The day was awesome, probably my favorite opening Sunday to date. We started out with the French Toast Breakfast as usual then started to watched Favre play for the Jets.. Yes the Jets! He did well, seems like he is having fun, how can you cheer against Brett? He just loves the game, plus anyone who says no to 25 million to do marketing instead of playing.. Is okay in my book. Then we watched the Cowboys slaughter the Browns... Which means I have to go change my fantasy. Wes also won his bet so from 10 bucks he pockets 36.50 :) I lost :( I was off by ONE team.. Stupid Bengals and them sucking.

Later though was the Colts game and we were excited as usual. I didn't have a good feeling but tried my best.. I even brought out Beary..My Rally Bear (Isn't he cute?) They did end up losing, but Wes and I were okay with it. I don't know why but we are. Also surprisingly Wes and I are upset that Tom Brady got hurt... That game won't be as fun. We'll step it up for the vikings though.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Its official it is FOOTBALL SEASON! We couldn't be more excited. We also have a tradition called football Fridays; we wear jersey's or shirts with our team or teams in my case every single Friday through the football season. So GO COLTS & GIANTS!!! :-)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wes & Karoke

Yes this is a true statement.. Wes can lay it out on the Karaoke stage.. He has such a fun performance, everyone in the whole place was singing along with him.. Check out these photos I got of him singing..

Labor Day Fun

Well Labor day was more like lazy day :-)! We mostly sat around and cleaned, nothing too exciting. However we went to a birthday party on Saturday fro my friend Clarity. She was turning 23 and had a pool party at Mike Mancuso's house ( a guy Wes works with). All the boys decided they were going to have a splash contest and let me tell you...
Wes didn't even come close to winning. Wes also tried to jump through one of those floating donuts, ha he didn't make it through that either. After they were done with that we had BBQ and cake, then Mike showed Wes all of his toys, which was a lot! I couldn't believe it. It was fun though!!!