Monday, August 30, 2010

Fantasy Draft Night

We have a fantasy football draft every year. Even though I have a huge curse when I drafdt Wes seems to always fair well throughout the season. This year was fun we had only close friends as part of our league and we drafted together on the kitchen table because I have a laptop now. Wes first pick was Peyton Manning which shouldn't be a huge surprise there lol... It's going to be a fun season and I can't wait!

Orange-Honey Chicken Night

Wes and I have decided that we are going to start cooking a new recipe together on the weekends. This week we started with a Orange Honey Chicken. We used Garlic, Honey, Orange Juice, Orange Rinds, Ginger and Basil which are things we never cook with. The verdict came out good, Wes liked it which is what I am worried about when we cook because he is so picky. Next week we will be in Logan but I think were going to try a Moroccan Strip Steak on Monday.

Wes can cook!!!

If anyone needed any proof that Wes can cook....Well look at what I came home to on Thursday night. It's true he did this all while I was at gymnastics. It makes me happy that I can now rest easy knowing he can at least have eggs all day ;-)!!! Too bad this doesn't get me out of cooking for him lol.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I had the privilege to host a cheer camp for the Alamo Panthers. It was a lot of fun and I'm very excited for the girls this year. They learned two dances that I choreographed, new stunts and 10 new cheers. It was a whirlwind two days but after icing my bruises and watching the tape over again I can see that it was all worth it.

Mt. Charleston

Wes and I went to Mt. Charleston over this past weekend. We wanted to get away from the 110 degree weather and since it was only a twenty minute drive we thought why not. We found a cute little picnic area and had lunch then we went exploring...sort of we were wearing flip flops so we didn't over take any mountains but we had fun.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Our wedding day was such a whirlwind. Everyone is 100% correct when they say it flys by. The pictures can tell a story for themselves but I just know that I married my best friend and we are so happy.