Sunday, April 18, 2010

River is ONE

My baby girl is already one. I can't believe how fast time has flown. She was just a tiny little nugget and now she is one going on two...YIKES!

The party was at Clarity's house and Wes and I got there early (with to help set up. Clarity had a pink and purple hello kitty theme. Actually some of the napkins, decor and plates we used for her baby shower were used for this party.

Everyone showed up around 4:30 and we BBQ'ed, Opened Gifts and had some cake. Of course baby just rubbed it all over her face, she is so cute.

Invites Are Out

So finally after all my procrastinating I have glued, folded and stamped all 60 of our invites. Now I just have to wait for all of the RSVP cards to come rolling in. I can't believe it's almost here.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I am falling more and more in love with this beautiful girl. My Niece is turning four this year and she is so smart. She is also very good at gymnastics, she had to show me her bridge lol. It was so hard to leave her... :-(

My Bridal Shower in Logan

My mom threw me my first bridal shower and it couldn't of been better. We arrived at Cafe Sabor in style (my nice rental car :-) and we awaited guests. All of the family showed up; Grandma, Marcia, Savannah, Gail, and Sam. We played "How Well do you know Wes?" and I answered 14 out of 20 questions right...whoops lol. Then everyone toasted something special to me, well Grandma told me to make love a lot lol... haha. The gifts were great a good mixture of useful, funny and practical. I couldn't take them on the plane so I am waiting for them to arrive in the mail.

My mom threw an awesome shower and I am so blessed to have her in my life. :-) Love you mom


We decided to have an Easter Brunch with all our friends and family. The day before is when our pool table arrived so naturally we decided to have a lovely tournament which Andy won. River also enjoyed playing in the big loft we have and she is turning one next week...Yikes!

We had croissant sandwiches, omelets and mimosa's. Yum!

Prom Fairy

On April 3rd I volunteered to be a personal shopper or as they called them "Fairy Godmothers" at the 2nd annual Prom Fairy Foundation. It was such a fun experience getting girls dresses for their prom and helping them feel and look great.

Nevada State Meet

We went to our first state meet and we did AWESOME. All of the girls scored in the high nines and Morgan scored a 9.75 on her bar routine. We also placed 4th in the team all around with only 3 scores counting and 3 girls. :-)