Monday, June 29, 2009

4th Truck Show

Saturday was the 4th time I attended a truck show in Vegas. Its a Bailey family tradition, so we met at the Las Vegas Convention Center at 10:30 a.m. and took all the free pens, chocolates and notepads they had ;-)!!

Wes really liked the batman truck, it is his new favorite. We also had dinner on Friday at the Roadhouse and Wes dad schooled him in pool...again! It is how Andy made his way through college.

Monday, June 22, 2009

New Chef in Town

Wes cooked dinner for me on Sunday. I was very impressed, he made chicken tacos. It was a stretch of his cooking ability, but he did great and the food tasted really really good.

Pool Party

We had a wonderful pool party on Friday night with Jen, Shaun, John, Clarity and River.. The boys ate pizza in the pool along with there drinks lol. They didn't want to get out of the pool when the sun went down because it was so cold. I thought it was hilarious, since two of them didn't have towels.

Then on Sunday we let Bob swim in the pool lol. :-) He seemed to enjoy it!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

River update

Clarity's beautiful little girl River is getting so big and I love to be around her. I make sure to hold her a lot when I'm with Clarity and then I give her back ;-)!! My little god daughter is super cute and her mom puts her in the BEST clothes...look at that bow!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Lazy Sunday

I do feel slightly bad that Wes was sick over the weekend, but I had to get out of the germ filled house, so I headed to...well, our pool! Wes took this picture through the window, he was bummed. I was only out for five minutes before a bug bit me, I went into the house and opened a benadryl capsule to make a paste. Wes said "It was very McGuyver of me." lol!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Adventures of the Swimming Pool

We have a swimming pool after what seemed to be hours of fighting with PVC pipe and water hoses. We filled up the pool for an hour and got about 5 inches, so we have a long way to go (the hose is SLOW) but this weekend we will be relaxing in the pool!
The Beginning
Me filling up the pool
We putting the latter together
Putting the latter in the pool!
He was so proud.

Monday, June 8, 2009


So Wes mom is great with memory books from Wes years in School. I was looking through his second grade and I found a program that had yours truly as the lead in the school play. So who would of thought Wes has had the name of his wife in his house since he was in the second grade. I think its super funny, and it was fun to see my name in the book.

<- Thats me as the "Daughter"
<--- My brother

They spelt my sisters name wrong.

Yet another Wedding

Wes friend Shaun Loveday tied the knot in Alamo on June 6, 2009. It was a small ceremony and reception but it was pretty. Below is Wes and Kendal, The bride and groom and then of course Wes and I.

Friday, June 5, 2009


This is our new backyard. The photos were taken at night so you can't really see them. However the 1st picture is the crushed granite where the pool will be, the second and third are the river walk we have :-) yay, the fourth is our grass and the fifth is the patio! Woo HOO

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lucky Number 11

Wes was listening to ESPN 1100 during his lunch break when a contest broke loose! He called three times just for the fun of it and he WON! The DJ said "Your caller 11 can you go to a baseball game tomorrow night?" So Wes won a family four pack to the 51's game. :-)

Backyard Day 3

I took these last night since I forgot before I left for gymnastics. They are placing the patio and the tree's. We got word they are planting the trees today along with finishing the pavers. I'm so excited!

Monday, June 1, 2009


We are in the process of re vamping the backyard. Here are some before shots.

Ballew Wedding

Saturday was Jennifer Johnson and Shaun Ballew wedding. We went to the church, and thankfully no lightning struck Wes and I. Their reception was at the Springs Preserve, there was a lot of bugs, but it was a good reception.